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Higher ROI & More Effective PR, IR, MarCom
Advancing stories of differentiated value around innovative organization and business models or technologies

Silicon Valley Communications Group (SVcomGroup) is able to provide more for less thanks to a lean, virtual group model that reflects the reality that communications is a talent business. Although SVcomGroup, can leverage its virtual group partnerships to provide the full range of communication services, a typical client engages directly and solely with the President of SVcomGroup.


Rates are less than those typically charged by a full service agency, but the client interacts only with top talent--not junior, mid-level or even senior staff who lack the expertise SVcomGroup offers across disciplines and audiences. Of course selecting vendors, with their own rates from the virtual group, can minimize some of the savings. However, most organizations or business groups do not require the support of a lot of external bodies, they just require outside expertise to flexibly tap on an hourly basis to supplement internal capabilities. This is who SVcomGroup primarily serves.


If you need to better advance a story of differentiated value around an innovative business model or technology through superior public relations, investor relations or marketing communication programs or individual projects, you are the type of client for whom, SVcomGroup can do more, for less.



  • ​Brand Building

  • Public Relations

  • Investor Relations

  • Product Marketing

News & Publications

EE Times

"The Next Big Thing is the Continuum"

Authored by the President of SVCG

© 2016 by Silicon Valley Communications Group. Proudly created with

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