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SVcomGroup Services


Detailing the critical strategic communication services provided that advance differentiated value stories


Business Media PR


The key value proposition of SVcomGroup business media consulting is to get coverage for organizations that would not typically be covered. Oftentimes this requires translating complicated, including deep technology stories, into a simpler, but powerful, story that resonates with the readership of the business media. The president of SVcomGroup leverages his contacts and experience as an author and magazine columnist, to craft pitches that resonate with the business media.


Business media consulting starts with defining the possible. Sometimes there is no story that rises above the trade media. Other times, a strong angle might be deemed too controversial. SVcomGroup provides realistic council and its experience combined with creativity sometimes can create business media coverage, where others see the impossible.


Brand Building


Building a brand for an organization with a value proposition, based on an innovative business model or product technology, presents a distinct challenge that SVcomGroup specializes in overcoming. Uniquely, its president can leverage his background to identify key messaging and positioning elements and craft an overall brand story.


Integrated messaging is developed to communicate with each key audience from customers to editors and analysts. Key branding elements are leveraged throughout communications, including in a company logo and tagline. Telling your story powerfully is critcal at every stage from initial funding rounds to major merger repositioning. SVcomGroup has developed concise messaging for many innovative organizations.



Investor Relations


The president of SVcomGroup brings the benefits of his extensive buy side background, with his communications expertise, to his investor relations consuling. He has experience providing the full spectrum of IR support. This includes working with management to strategically reposition a public company and align with execution, in order to drive margin expansion. It also includes developing roadshows for startups or established leaders. 

The president of SVcomGroup has personally developed all manner of IR communication vehicles from earnings call scripts to annual reports, executive Q&A preparation documents for analyst interviews, as well as financial press releases. He has also coordinated analyst day presentations and other IR events.



Trade Media PR


The key focus of SVcomGroup public relations consulting is to interact with relevant industry trade media to positively influence, key audiences, including a client's customers. The president and sole proprietor of SVcomGroup, has extensive experience working with his editorial trade and market analyst contacts. He has garnered substantial coverage and mindshare for the organizations he represents and their solutions. 


In addition to supporting product announcements and company launches, the president of SVcomGroup supports all manner of trade media and market analyst engagements. Technically savvy editors, market analysts and clients, appreciate engaging with a consultant, who understands their needs, based on his editorial and analyst bacground, as well as someone who understands the underlying technologies being covered. 



The president of SVcomGroup uniquely understands how to speak both the donor language of business and the language of nonprofits. This is a powerful value proposition as many nonprofits struggle with how to connect with and maximize outreach to the new class of wealthy donors, who increasingly evaluate charitable giving within an investment paradigm of return on investment.


At Second Harvest Food Bank serving Silicon Valley, he led the rebranding of the organization, launch of a new website and restructuring of the marketing program. He pioneered for food banks the development of a market research capability to better understand, communicate and also enhance impact, as well as the introduction of a client marketing program to augment the donor marketing program.

Product PR


SVcomGroup product marketing consulting goes beyond merely leveraging our extensive network of editoral and market analyst contacts. The group's president meets with the internal team to identify outreach goals and internal resources, and map those to announcement elements that are correlated to trending topics. Experience is also possessed around product marketing.


Maximum impact is often realized with rolling thunder campaigns integrating different types of communication vehicles, from viewpoints and video tech talks to editor interviews. â€‹Some companies need help coordinating and differentiating multiple product announcements. Others need to make the most of a single announcement that will also serve as a corporate introduction. SVcomGroup brings superior product marketing to technology-driven companies.




Social Media


SVcomGroup focuses on communicating complex technology or business stories to sophisticated audiences. Therefore the primary focus of SVcomGroup social media consulting is around blog posts and video interviews or talks. In addition, social media may be employed to promote traditional media, like technical articles or conference papers, or social media may be incorporated into crisis communications planning.


However, more direct-to-consumer focused social media efforts, such as Twitter or Facebook campaigns, will involve the support of a specialized vendor in the SVcomGroup virtual group. 

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